Friday, March 28, 2014

What If?!

       A friend of mine surprised me with an odd question the other day.  He inquired, "Hey Dr. Jones.  What's the word for today?" I was taken aback.  Not only did he catch me off guard, but I hadn't thought much about a word for the day.
     So I replied, "I don't know.  You tell me."
     "Come on Mjaye.  You got a word.  I know He gave you a word," he pressed.  That particular day was exceedingly stressful.   In fact, it was I who needed a word for the day. So I closed my office door and earnestly requested, "Lord...I need a word. What's the word for the day?"  Without hesitation or strain, it came simple and sweet.

Fear Not.  Step out on faith and watch God work.  You will have the desires of your heart, and you will be everything you were called to be. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

       After sharing the word with my friend, we laughed boisterously as we took it in stride with high expectations for the remainder of the day.  Then I began to think.  How many times have we heard this?  Be it the Bible, an African Proverb, or words heard from our elders, if we step out on faith, our dreams can transform into reality.

       Some of us watch Life Class with Oprah without fail, taking notes and completing her daily assignments.  We spend millions of dollars on self-help books, videos and CDs with the hope that they will awaken something within.
      How many of us make declarations of promise with the dream of being greater than what we've become?  How many of us go to church faithfully on Sunday morning...singing, dancing, running up and down the aisles for all the congregation to see.  We lift our hands and shout, "Amen" and "Hallelujah" during the Pastor's sermon, as our spiritual gas tank is refilled, only to take the path of least resistance on Monday? Instead of moving forward, we find ourselves right back where we started.

    Do we really need to be told the same thing over and over again before it truly sinks in?  Is repetition always necessary? Are we just going through the motions? Or do we really believe what we hear?  But what if...What if we truly stepped out on faith and gave ourselves a chance?  What if we didn't allow our fears, past hurts and mistakes to keep us bound to living a life of mediocrity? What if just enough was no longer enough?

    What if we can have whatever we desire?  What if we were created to be great and do great things?
    What if life isn't supposed to be hard?
    What if the pain and anguish we suffer is a result of accepting a life of mediocrity and being out of sync with our dreams and passion?
    What if living in fear is harder than living in line with the true purpose?
    What if the fight is fixed and everything good is designed to fall perfectly into place?
    What if our blessings are on reserve awaiting our awakening and arrival?
    What if God's word is true? What if we believed it?
       Imagine God welcoming you at the end of this journey with open arms and a bright smile.  But there's a sense of sadness in His disposition. Because although you returned to Him, you returned incomplete and unfulfilled.  Imagine Him rolling back the tape and showing you what your life could have, should have and would have been.  If only you had stepped out on faith.  What would you do? How would you feel after learning that everything was arranged in divine order for you to win, regardless of any obstacle or circumstance?

     Suddenly, things seem to be in the proper perspective .  And what if...the what ifs are accurate?
    What if the enemy has cleverly persuaded and convinced me that ignorance, sickness, poverty, disease, depression, disappointments, heartbreak and the opinion of others have power over me?
    What if his roar is actually a smoke screen to distract me from the truth of the strength within me?
    What if like Richard Pryor in The Wiz, the enemy is nothing more than a coward hiding behind a curtain, with a big head, special effects and loud voice?
    What if I say and say again I've been HOODWINKED!  BAMBOOZLED!  LED ASTRAY!... and RUN AMOK!

So now what?!  What if I flip the script?!
    I am stronger than I ever imagined!
    I have nothing to fear!
    My grandfather was right when he said, "You can do any-thang you want to do!"
    My father, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and friends who have gone to Glory are watching, waiting, cheering, and eagerly anticipating my certain victory!

    I have come to myself and I cast off fear!
    I trust myself enough to pursue the dreams given long ago!
    I believe and trust God knowing He loves me and has placed everything I need within me!
   There is a heart of a lion inside me that will not be defeated!
   No matter what, I will always rise up and I will always win!
   Circumstances must abide by every move I make along the course of my passion and purpose!
   There is no person, demon or devil in hell that can stop me!

    For I have feared too long, anguished too hard and lost too much.  There is a yearning on the inside.  A yearning that's beating, kicking, and screaming to get out. It's the yearning of a runner on the starting line, positioned for the gun to go off.

   Mediocrity is no longer acceptable.  I will not live this life nor leave it unfulfilled.  Neither will I return to my Maker with regrets of painfully asking the question...What if?

   I'm Monica Jones, and I approve this message!

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