Thursday, February 27, 2014

Been Mary Jane

      Social media has been all a buzz about the season finale of Being Mary Jane. You had to be swift to keep up with the play by play details on Facebook and Twitter. While speaking on the telephone with my friends, we watched, yelled, grunted, and laughed throughout the intense two hours.  To add to the intensity, we were reading and responding to comments on social media.
      Comments varied between serious, empathetic, funny and angry. There were quite a few comments which weren't so nice.  Some sisters are taking this very seriously.  One of my Facebook friends was outraged by the those of us who seemed to be enjoying it a little too much. 

       "I refuse to give my time or attention to any show that celebrates a woman having an affair with a married man!" She snapped.  Now, this same sister is a self proclaimed "Gladiator" who has meticulously scheduled her entire day so she can watch the return of Scandal.  I guess it's okay to have an affair with a married man as long as he's the President. But I'll leave that one alone.  

      According to Robinne Lee who portrays Andre's long suffering wife Avery Daniels, "Mary Jane is not a role model.  She's entertainment."  Although I agree with her, I couldn't help but ponder why some don't view Mary Jane in that manner.  The truth of the matter is, Mary Jane gets all up in our business. Her story hits too close to home.

     How does an intelligent, educated, diligent, focused, and family oriented public figure grab her keys, get in her car and chase down her former beau to express her undying love for him? Only to be rejected and left on the street.  How does this same woman be reduced even further to a drunken, desperate, and dejected woman who shows up uninvited on the doorstep of her rejector?  Begging him to give their love a chance.

     To put it nicely, quite a few women are exceedingly disappointed.  After all,  Mary Jane's got it going on! She's got wealth, a bad house, car, career, clothes, influence, beauty and the attention of some very attractive men.  She's living the life right?! Well...maybe not.

     As we get older and become more seasoned, there are certain experiences we choose to block out.  But make no mistake, whether we are the CEO, COO, CFO, Dr., ESQ., PhD, LPC, Pastor, Evangelist, Deaconess, Black, White, Hispanic, Miss, Mrs. or Ms., at some point in our lives, we have all been Mary Jane.  

      Come on, let it go.  We've all been there, done that. Maybe not all of it, but we've done some of it.  Oh you haven't.  I guess Mary Jane, Lisa, Kara and I are the only women who have ever done a drive-by. I'm not talking about a drive-by shooting.  I'm talking about a drive-by sighting.   And like the boyz in the hood...we ride in packs.   My friend Jamie would pick me up.  Then she would drive her car down my boyfriend's street at just the right speed, so I could see if he was home when he was supposed to be.  Then we'd go back to my house and get my car.  Then I would ease down her boyfriend's street so she could do that same thing. Now needless to say, this was years ago when we were in our twenties.  Lord our twenties. SMH. What can I say, when you're young, you're dumb. LOL!

      As far as being his woman or the other woman, more of us can relate than not.  "The other woman?!" Yes the other woman.  Now, you may not have known you were the other woman.  Perhaps you became aware after falling under his spell.  Did you exit stage left saying to yourself, "Self... I am too good, too kind and too confident to allow myself to be treated this way."? Or did you stay, until the relationship which was doomed from the start inevitably fizzled out? 
     How many of us remained in bad or stagnant relationships? That relationship that was perfect in the beginning only to become "complicated" a few months later.  The one you remained in for far too long, trying to recapture the spark you had in the beginning.  Staying and praying to the good Lord above that your man would come around and act right. Praying first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  Asking God, "Please open his eyes so that he may be enlightened to know the hope of your love and all it has to offer." Hoping and praying that he would realize what a good woman you are and a good wife you will be.  Holding on to hope when hope left years ago. 

     What about the one that got away? The one you overlooked, mistreated and took for granted. Showing blatant disrespect and disregard for that person's time and feelings. Until they became exhausted, and had nothing left to give. Then suddenly, poof!  They were gone. There's a saying that goes, "They say you never know what you have until it's gone.  Truth is, you knew what you had.  You just never thought you'd lose it."
     By the way, this pertains to men as well as women.  There are plenty male Mary Janes out there experiencing the same issues.  Isn't it funny how we can be so focused, precise and direct when it comes to our lifestyle, careers and status. However, when it comes to matters of the heart, we don't utilize the same discernment. 

     After the show, my friends and I laughed with thankful hearts.  Sharing and comparing stories from our pleasant and not so pleasant love experiences.  Laughing because we still can't believe that we were SO foolish to participate in such shenanigans. "Child I though I would die if we couldn't be together!"  Someone we would never even think of dating today. We're thankful because knowing of his current life issues, we dodged a bullet. We're happy even more so because it's in the past. You live. You learn. You grow. You press on. 

    Nevertheless, we realize everyone isn't laughing.  Some people are still in the muck of it all.  As we move forward with our lives, we can only offer empathy to those in a place where we used to be.  From those of us who have been Mary Jane to those who are still being Mary Jane, keep your heads up. Be strong and pray for wisdom.  Please understand, trust, believe and know.  God's got something and someone for you. One day your present will become your past.  And you too will laugh.

Photos courtesy of BET
*Names have been changed to protect the guilty. :-)

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